Monday, 14 March 2011


At the internim presentation: I ve showed the tutors some of my points in the the wallpaper design challenge:
-My idea at the time: i want to make something cool with a level of complexity that brings optical illusion to the viewers by using only simple geometry and straight lines.

-Where does the idea come from?: Well, basically, the idea came suddenly while i was playing around in processing. I remembered i ve made a pattern that was quite interesting to look at using only straight lines. ( link: )

For my personal taste, I always like the patterns that play with your sense. They are all attractive to me. And also, i love the complex patterns ( not complicated ones ).They are definately more to look at.

-Source of inspiration: Actually, i looked up for the inspiration after i got my idea, not before it. I think the works of M.C.Escher, Jen Stark and Vasco Mourao are all very inspiring to me although they are not really related to my idea. Also, i found the string art is quite interesting.

Here's some example links:

Jen Stark's works ( All creadits go to him, I don't make these )

String art ( Google Image search. All creadits go to their owners )

Vasco Mourao's


Optical Illusion ( Google Image search. All creadits go to their owners )

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