Sunday, 20 March 2011


So as you can see, the chosen patterns for my final submission are quite different from the ones that i represented at the internim presentation. And the reason why was that i thought these below were more interesting. They did share a main theme ( straight lines, black and white ) and worked quite well as a set. I am still choosing what to be in the final set to submit though.
I tried color a couples of time but I think they don't work as strong as these black-and-white-only patterns bellow.

PATTERN NUMBER 1 - The very first pattern i made while playing around with Processing. I did change some number in the code to made it look better but the results turned out not very good. Therefore I decided to use the original one.
PATTERN NUMBER 2 : Actually based on PATTERN NUMBER 1 with more lines added
 The 2 (one on the left, one on the center) were actually the results of my fault in using loop_ however the results turned out quite interesting.The one that i called REVERSE COLOR is on the right hand side.I think this one looks better than the original one (above)

ALTERNATIVE SET - based on pattern number 2
The more refinement was made on pattern number 2, the more interesting result it turned out. I really really like these 4 patterns below and decide to use them as a different set. Although they look similar but each one gives me a different feeling.

PATTERN NUMBER 3 - I think this one is my second favourite. I like how the straight lines can make such an interesting patterns when they come closer together.

                                                              ALTERNATIVE CHOICE
REVERVE COLOR                                                       


PATTERN NUMBER 4 - These are the newest patterns in my collection - The results of me cutting half the number of lines of PATTERN NUMBER 2 - I filled the pattern with both black and white background and white and black line. I think that the patterns on the left ( black line and white background ) is more interesting to look at ( Can you see the white diagonal square pattern? Interesting aye!! ) compared to the right one ( the diagonal square pattern doesnt appear ).

Here you can spot the differnces by yourself :)

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