Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Where has my project been?

It has been a while since i last updated my blog. I couldn't upload my code to openprocessing anymore. I dont know why but it seems like openprocessing is refusing my brilliant code ( kidding! :-) )

This afternoon i just spent about an hour to find my desired sound for the project and to edit it (the sound).

Well, the thing was that it was hard to find a proper sound that actually fits the images when the code plays. There were millions of sound samples over the net.

But, i think today is my lucky day because i have finally found the sound that fit the project quite well( in my opinion ). I came across the xylophone sound samples when skimming through hundreds of sound on the site named : I really like them. They even inspired me. And the best think: I got some new idea for the project thanks to the sound.

With the sound ready, i am half way to the goal.

I am trying to upload the code one more time to illustrate what i have done so far. If openprocessing still refuse my code then i will have no other way than upload the code and the images here.

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