Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Internim Presentation of Project number TWO

After hours thinking about what to do in this up coming project 2 and a lot of sketches was created ( which will be uploaded in the later posts), i have finally came up with the best sketch (in my collection) that i could offer at the time ( the image below this text ) to present to the class in Friday.


Background size : 500x500
Default background: black or white - blank ( according to the image below, there would be a pattern in the background as default, but i changed the idea )
Sounding: the background will be divided vertically into 10 sections ( 10 different sound in each section ) and horizontally into 100 sections ( volume level 0-99 ). And the grid is not visible to the users.
Mouse click (everywhere in the screen): Creates a line pattern as seen in project 1 ( image below). Wherever the mouse click,the mid point of the pattern will be generated and gradually connect to the edges by lines. And also depending on where a midpoint is made, the patten has its own sounding characteristic.

SamplePattern ( when mouse clicked at the point (250,250) - play sound number 5-6 volume 50% )

Mousedrag ( drag the midpoints of the patterns ) change the sound and the volume according to the new position of the midpoint.
Midpoint vs. midpoint Patterns will interact with each other through their midpoint. When a new pattern is created, the midpoint of it will draw a line to connect with the midpoint of the older pattern appeared on the screen. (The sound will play in order from old to new.)
Idea to be developed : I am thinking about adding some more effect. For instance what does it like if i drag quickly the pattern and then suddenly release the mouse -> the pattern will keep flying across the screen and bounce back until it hits the wall...

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