Thursday, 24 March 2011


After 3 weeks of coding for the project 1 of this class, i think i have learnt quite a lot. From a complete moron at coding, now i can write some codes to make the computer draw something. That's quite an achievement. And actually in the process of learning, i found that coding is quite fun and not boring like i used to think about it. I am getting used to loop and variable now. So hopefully, i can reduce from 300 lines of code to 10 lines of code doing the same task in the next project.
Also, i have learned about documenting my work and expressing my ideas in words, which i found it had been hard to do so before i took this paper.
The thing that motivated me in this class probably was the other students. Thanks to open processing, I could see what others were doing and I could compare my work to theirs. I didn't want to lose to them so I always tried to improve my works in order to beat them.
My goal for the next project:
-Finish sooner therefore i will have more time to refine the idea before submitting.
-Use advance coding technique where available (variable and loop)
-Try to get as many idea on the first hand. Work on many side development at the same time then compare and choose the best one then refine.

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