Friday, 15 April 2011

Reflection on the WIP

Screen shot from the dev#13

Well, the WIP ( the one that i uploaded to openprocessing ) has achieved my goal set at the interim presentation 2 weeks ago. It was inspired by many things that i found interesting for this project.

First of all, the most influencing stuff is actually my own work in the first project.The pattern that i used in the current project is a small part of the wallpaper in the previous project that i like.

I want to keep my project 2 complex but tidy just like what i did in the project one. I want to achieve high level of contrast between patterns and other elements to the background. That's why I don't use a lot of color as you can see. It is too distracting ,in my opinion. I just used black, white and red as my main color theme. In the work process, i continually switched the color around and applied it to the different elements until i found it the most eye-satisfying.

While i was working on the color, i came across an inspiring image :

Yes, that is the burning fuse of firework. It would be cool if this kind of motion appear in my project. Then i started to think about how to abstract the image and integrate it to the current pattern. After a while, i finally found a solution. ( see the code in openprocessing for more detail )

Secondly, when i have a tidy and complex image, i need good sounds to go with it. That why i choose the xylophone sounds. They are refined sounds. They sound clean yet have a level of complexity when group them up together.

However, there are still things that make me unhappy as i mentioned in the earlier post. That is the sounds aren't in sync with the image ( the ellipse) whenever the second and so on patterns are generated. I am not sure if it is the computer processing's problem or the code problem. I haven't found a proper solution to solve the problem yet.
Openprocessing works again for me. Therefore i just uploaded my latest Work In Process to it. It is the number 13th in the series of development, a final stage product but not the final one. Now i am working on the number 14th - hopefully, a better version and final version. However, i think i will have to use the one that i uploaded to the openprocessing to present in the mean time because i am currently having not much clue how to improve it. What I need now is feedback from other people first before i can continue my work.

No more blank talk, here the link:

Thursday, 14 April 2011

A big thanks to Tim, I have achieved what i set as a goal in the internim presentation. He was very helpful at the last night tutorial session. I had to wait two and a half hours for my turn though.

However, i am not very happy because when i reach this level of the project, i found out that there were still so many thing to do. In worse case, I have to restart from the beginning.

In my opinion, my work now is quite good looking ( for my taste) but still lacks of fun to play with or frankly, boring. The interaction between the patterns and the mouse are not so good and still very simple. The sounds alone are quite OK but then the things that represent it have serious problem. They don't sync with the sounds.

I haven't got any comment or feedback from other people though. I don't know what people think about my project now.

Still got a lot of works to do. See you in the next post. Hopefully a good news.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Well, seems like i have to upload my code here for the time being but i will try again later to upload the code to openprocessing.

So here's the code that i have been working on so far:

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.effects.*;

  Minim minim;
  AudioPlayer song1;
  AudioPlayer song2;
  AudioPlayer song3;
  AudioPlayer song4;
  AudioPlayer song5;
  AudioPlayer song6;
  AudioPlayer song7;
  AudioPlayer song8;
  AudioPlayer song9;
  AudioPlayer song10;
  //ArrayList Line1 = new ArrayList();
  int s1=0;

void setup(){
  minim = new Minim(this);
  song1 = minim.loadFile("1.wav");
  song2 = minim.loadFile("2.wav");
  song3 = minim.loadFile("3.wav");
  song4 = minim.loadFile("4.wav");
  song5 = minim.loadFile("5.wav");
  song6 = minim.loadFile("6.wav");
  song7 = minim.loadFile("7.wav");
  song8 = minim.loadFile("8.wav");
  song9 = minim.loadFile("9.wav");
  song10 = minim.loadFile("10.wav");
void draw(){
/*void mouseDragged(){
  int x1,x2;
  int m1=mouseX;
  int m2=mouseY;
  for(x1=0; x1<=500; x1=x1+5){
  for(x2=0; x2<=500; x2=x2+5){
void mouseClicked(){

void mouseDragged(){
  int x3,x4;
  float m3=mouseX;
  float m4=mouseY;
  for(x3=0; x3<=500; x3=x3+20){
  for(x4=0; x4<=500; x4=x4+20){
void mouseReleased(){
  int x1,x2;
  float m1=mouseX;
  float m2=mouseY;
  for(x1=0; x1<=500; x1=x1+20){
  for(x2=0; x2<=500; x2=x2+20){
    if (m1<=50){

     if (m1>50 && m1<=100){
     if (m1>100 && m1<=150){
     if (m1>150 && m1<=200){
     if (m1>200 && m1<=250){
     if (m1>250 && m1<=300){
     if (m1>300 && m1<=350){
     if (m1>350 && m1<=400){
     if (m1>400 && m1<=450){
     if (m1>450){
void stop()
void keyPressed()
  if(key == 's' || key == 'S')
    String filePath = selectInput("Saving PNG - Select or Type File Name");  // Opens file chooser
    if(filePath != null)
      save(filePath + ".png");

So what it does?

If you drag the midpoint, the pattern will change according to the new mousex position and mousey position
This is what it will appear when you drag the midpoint and then release it in the area x <= 50. Note: the circal is intended to represent the playing sound but in the mean time i  only managed to make it appear at a certain area (50>=x ), not all. (see the yelow highlighted code)

What i want it to be done:  -I want to make other pattern by clicking in the white space on the screen. To achieve these i have to use arrayList but i still dont really get it.

-I want the circal appears wherever the midpoint is when the mouse released. And it will get bigger when the sound plays (prob the value will change from 0-20 range) and vanishes when the sound stops and then begins another loop when the sound plays again.This idea is actually inspired by the xylophone sound (as i mentioned in the earlier post). It always make me think about water drop whenever this sound plays

- I want the midpoint of each pattern connect with others by straight lines and these line will change the length if you change either or both midpoints' position that they connect.

Where has my project been?

It has been a while since i last updated my blog. I couldn't upload my code to openprocessing anymore. I dont know why but it seems like openprocessing is refusing my brilliant code ( kidding! :-) )

This afternoon i just spent about an hour to find my desired sound for the project and to edit it (the sound).

Well, the thing was that it was hard to find a proper sound that actually fits the images when the code plays. There were millions of sound samples over the net.

But, i think today is my lucky day because i have finally found the sound that fit the project quite well( in my opinion ). I came across the xylophone sound samples when skimming through hundreds of sound on the site named : I really like them. They even inspired me. And the best think: I got some new idea for the project thanks to the sound.

With the sound ready, i am half way to the goal.

I am trying to upload the code one more time to illustrate what i have done so far. If openprocessing still refuse my code then i will have no other way than upload the code and the images here.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Internim Presentation of Project number TWO

After hours thinking about what to do in this up coming project 2 and a lot of sketches was created ( which will be uploaded in the later posts), i have finally came up with the best sketch (in my collection) that i could offer at the time ( the image below this text ) to present to the class in Friday.


Background size : 500x500
Default background: black or white - blank ( according to the image below, there would be a pattern in the background as default, but i changed the idea )
Sounding: the background will be divided vertically into 10 sections ( 10 different sound in each section ) and horizontally into 100 sections ( volume level 0-99 ). And the grid is not visible to the users.
Mouse click (everywhere in the screen): Creates a line pattern as seen in project 1 ( image below). Wherever the mouse click,the mid point of the pattern will be generated and gradually connect to the edges by lines. And also depending on where a midpoint is made, the patten has its own sounding characteristic.

SamplePattern ( when mouse clicked at the point (250,250) - play sound number 5-6 volume 50% )

Mousedrag ( drag the midpoints of the patterns ) change the sound and the volume according to the new position of the midpoint.
Midpoint vs. midpoint Patterns will interact with each other through their midpoint. When a new pattern is created, the midpoint of it will draw a line to connect with the midpoint of the older pattern appeared on the screen. (The sound will play in order from old to new.)
Idea to be developed : I am thinking about adding some more effect. For instance what does it like if i drag quickly the pattern and then suddenly release the mouse -> the pattern will keep flying across the screen and bounce back until it hits the wall...